optimal health
*Body Alignment
*Raise Your Energy Field
* Maintain Flow
The human body is superbly designed to heal and regenerate, but In order to maintain health we need to do our part! How? Our part involves four fundamental aspects to achieve balance and thus health. Our approach takes these aspects into consideration. See how we can help you with our approach.
How we can help?
1. Body Alignment
What's Invloved:
-Posture (function follows form)
-Energy Vortex (Chakras)
-Fascia and Muscular Skeletal System
Our Services:
Massage , Bio-Energetics (BIE) , Personal Training
As three dimensional beings we are more than just our flesh and bones. We also are our thoughts, our energy, we are our family and community, we are also a reflection of our creator in which we must connect with. In order to achieve true health and wellness we must heal on these 5 levels, See the diagram below. (note: the higher up the pyramid you put forth effort to support, the less work you will have to do
2. Maintain Flow
4. Body Intake
What's Involved:
Being Conscious of what's going into your body via skin, lungs, digestion
Our Services:
Nutrition & Healthy Lifestyle Counselling
What's Involved:
-Blood Flow
-Energy Flow
-Lymphatic Waste Fluid Flow
Our Services:
Lymphatic Drainage Massage ,
Bio-Energetics (BIE) , Personal Training , Nutrition Counselling