Massage Therapy
- Studies reveal that regular massage therapy contributes to less body pain and reduced stress levels. Receive massage for acute issues, for edema and lymphedema dysfunction issues and as a regular part of your health regime.
Terahertz Light Session
Activate & Repair Cells
Unblock Meridians
Detoxes Lymphatic System
Removes Water Retention
Improves Microcirculation
How Terrahertz Work in The Body
It generates resonant frequencies within the same frequency range as cells in the body generating millions of vibrations per second. Teraherts distinguish the healthy from the unhealthy cells and only activate healthy cells. Terahert waves penetrate deep into the body, right down to the bone marrow, which stimulates the body to activate both the immune and lymyphatic systems, allowing for elimination pathways to be open and the body charged up and ready to heal!
What Does a Terrahertz Light session involve?
Clients can either sit on a chair fully clothed or lie on a massage table as you would do in any other massage treatment. You will drink 1 to 2 glasses of Terrahertz charged water before and after the session. The Terrahertz Light device has a hot and cool blowing setting (which sounds like a hair dryer) it will be waved over various areas of your body, with focus to your specific areas of concern. You will likely feel very relaxed for the duration of the session which lasts anywhere between 5 minutes to 30 minutes.
What is Bio-energetics / BIE
Bio-energetics is a natural and non-invasive modality that enable one's body to achieve balance (homeostasis) without the use of drugs or needles. Bio-energetics can can be done with a device that emits energy directly onto various points on the body to help create homeostasis, therefore alleviating suffering. Bio-energetics can also be done with a device that emits energy fields and imprints it into water*, thereafter the person ingest it and once again alleviating suffering. The third way Bio-energetics can be done is with a energy emitting generator that is placed within 2 feet of the ill person and once again alleviating suffering.
How Bio-energetics can help
Once the discordant energies (stressors) are recognised, the body can then differentiate between good and bad, harmful substances or non-harmful substances, and deal with each one accordingly. Essentially the body is given the original "blue print" instructions for proper functioning thus, the body's healing process can begin.
Understanding How Bio-energetics Works
All things in nature vibrate. If we bring our memory back to chemistry class we were taught that everything is made up of atoms that are in a constant state of motion. Depending on the speed of these atoms, they can appear as a solid, liquid, or gas. Sound is also a vibration as are your thoughts and emotions.
What is Bio-resonance
BR Is a way of testing which energy frequencies, also known as energy signatures resonate or in simpler terms are understood by your body.
We all have a built-in blueprint of every unique energy signature found in nature. Our body with its intelligence knows exactly what to do with “self” energy signatures as well as “non-self” energy signatures, BR can emit any number of energy signatures and provide instant feedback as to which energy signatures your body can read and understand and which ones it cannot. All energy signatures “misunderstood” by the body are deemed stressors as they cause unnecessary stress on the body and will elicit pain or unsavoury symptoms and ultimately drain you of vital energy.
"Scientists say, the way you talk could help diagnose a range of conditions."
-Daily Mail (read more)
Speech occurs because of communication between the brain and various organ systems. The end result is a vibration of frequencies known as your voice. When we listen to someone, especially someone we know well, we can perceive from their voice whether they are feeling well physically, emotionally or mentally. Also from just hearing someone's voice we may be able to determine their approximate age, national background and whether or not they are a smoker. With that in mind continuing research in sound has revealed that your unique energetic voice pattern can be a great indicator of your own health and vitality
Dr. Alfred Tomatis, medical doctor and researcher who devoted his life to understanding the connection between the voice, the brain and the ear says that the voice is unable to reproduce what the ear cannot hear. It has also been suggested that perhaps the ear cannot hear what the brain cannot generate? There is evidence that the brain is also a very complex tone generator that commands the systems of the body through frequency. Long story short, with advancements in biofeedback technology we can now generate energetic signatures, expose them to your body and analyse your voice to determine whether those same energetic patterns are being produced by your voice, and thus are being understood by your brain.
A biofeedback voice scan is quick and easy. All you need to do is speak! and within seconds your voice patterns will be detected and analyzed. Afterwards bioenergetics can be used to generate balancing frequencies that your body can use to return to homeostasis. With Biofeedback software a voice scan can also be done remotely so wherever you are in the world you can obtain a voice scan and discover what your voice is really saying.
Our voice scan detect imbalances, also known as stressors within your body's biofield that relate to the following:
Food Stressors
Vitamin & Mineral Stressors
Seasonal Allergen Stressors
Spine Stressors
Hormonal Stressors
Heavy Metal Stressors
Pathogen (Bacteria, Parasite, Fungal) Stressors
Meridian Stressors
Body System Stressors (ie Nervous system, Muscular System, Skeletal System, Lymphatic System, Circulatory System, Cardiovascular System, Urinary System, Digestive System, Gastrointestinal System, Reproductive System)
And more
*We are Hydroelectric Energy Beings
Contact us today to book a Remote Scan